Wednesday, September 14, 2016

Of Most Importance...

I divorced when my kids were still fairly young. My oldest child, a son, chose to stay with e until he went on to secondary school at which time he moved out. My next three youngest girls, each made the decision, during their teenage years to move in with their dad. They did not have weekly or bi weekly or for that matter any visits with me. I missed out on many teachings I had so hoped to share with them. Things like homemaking skills, important talks on life things. I still feel the pain of this loss but at least now I regularly get to see my girls and we occasionally have life discussions. I sometime even get to share homemaking skills but many times they seek this advice from other sources.
So, what would I have like to say to you my dear daughters and my sons...
I would have loved to share with you how important I know marriage is in the eternal realm of things even though I clearly have yet to be successful in that area, I know that it is an eternal principle upon which is necessary for our return to Heavenly Father and in receiving all the blessing He has for His choicest children. How important it is to make choices that lead towards that goal, to not rush into relationships. That it is better to be alone for a short while here, than to end up alone for all eternity. Satan has deceived the better part of the world into believing  sexual sin has no significant consequence. I have since learned after making my own grievous mistakes in this area, that the desire to be in a relationship here, rather than be alone, can actually mean we end up "separately and singly" (D&C 132:17) to all eternity. How the world would make different choices if they realised this, if this was taught and people understood.  I think many people are even afraid to bring up the topic as so much can be misinterpreted ...Girls would want to wait for Mr. Right, boys would then need to start acting as gentlemen because ladies would only want worthy men. The bar would be raised, not lowered until you can no longer go under it but have to step over. In today's world of acceptance and anything goes, it is hard to even recommend such an idea, but if it is not brought up then accountability falls upon those who do not speak out. For there will be a day of reconning.
 I am saddened by not being able to share my homemaking skills, but nothing saddens me more than not having moments to teach important things such as this. I wonder if it would have made a difference in some of your choices or if you still would have chose the same. I guess we will never know.
Of course repentance is always possible, and I continue to pray for that, in my own life, as well as in yours. I have a testimony that you can be forgiven, that you are never too far gone. I have received forgiveness and know it is available for all who desire it with the sincerest of hearts.

I pray that the day will come that we gets to have discussions about things like this, that the messages will touch your hearts and the Spirit of God will testify to you of their truthfulness and bring about a mighty change.


Sunday, September 4, 2016

A Good Day!

Today is a good day.

I was the assigned teaching in Relief Society today and I had prepared well in advance. My topic was given to me a couple of months ago and I prayed that I would not be left to the last minute to get my information for the lesson. It, well most of it, came to me about 5 Sundays ago-maybe 6. I scribbled down everything that inspiration brought to me. I searched more on the topic and added things here and there. In fact, the week after I had all this the Relief Society President, asked me if I was ready to teach that Sunday and I said I didn't think it was my month, but if it was I was ready. Turns out it wasn't my month but I loved that I was prepared, that I could have taught then. I am grateful though for the added time to fine tune and research more, to pray more and to even turn it into a presentation style lesson.

I am grateful for the testimonies that were shared during sacrament meeting, that help add to my lesson. I am grateful for sisters who were willing to speak what came to them and share with the class. Grateful for stories shared and most grateful for the spirit that was there. Grateful for the topic and for all I learned about it and how I can better apply it in my life.

Praying I will be a woman who knows how to access the powers of Heaven so I can protect and strengthen my children and family, that I can teach fearlessly.

Looking forward to teaching again.